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Are you an East Preston business?

Would you like to reach more local customers?

Are you an East Preston business?

Would you like to reach more local customers?

If you or your business is based in East Preston and you would like to do more business in the village, why not advertise your business on this site. Each business has a dedicated page according to their business category to showcase who they are and what they do.

The subscription cost for this opportunity is highly affordable at just £10 per month with a £25 one off set up fee. If your business falls in a category we don't have at present, we can create one for you at no extra cost.

We have been in operation since 2013 and have had many success stories so we are delighted to offer this opportunity all East Preston business.

If you are interested in promoting your business on this site, please fill in the form below or give Tim Bigger a call on 07814 834560.

If you or your business is based in East Preston and you would like to do more business in the village, why not advertise your business on this site. Each business has a dedicated page according to their business category to showcase who they are and what they do.

The subscription cost for this opportunity is highly affordable at just £10 per month with a £25 one off set up fee. If your business falls in a category we don't have at present, we can create one for you at no extra cost.

We have been in operation since 2013 and have had many success stories so we are delighted to offer this opportunity all East Preston business.

If you are interested in promoting your business on this site, please fill in the form below or give Tim Bigger a call on 07814 834560.

If you are a business or a resident, why not help us spread the word about East Preston. These new business cards are just the thing to give out when the need arrises and they are designed to point individuals to this very website.

Are you a business?

Why not take a page in the directory so that local people can get to know you and keep your business in mind when they next need a product or service you offer. Additionally, pass on these cards to customers or other businesses.

Are you an EP resident?
Help and support us as traders by giving out these cards when you can so East Preston is at the forefront of keeping it local. Local businesses and families rely on your support so please help by doing your bit for the village.
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Contact the East Preston Business Community

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The Team

Contact the East Preston Business Community

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Thank you for your recent enquiry. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

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The Team